Instructor: Tony Nowatzki (cs-page)
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Instructor/TA | Office Hours & Room | Piazza Day | Lab Lead | |
Tony Nowatzki | Eng.VI 468b: M4-5pm, Th9:30-10:30am | tjn | ||
Belle Lerdworatawee | Boelter 3286: Tu8:30-10:30am | | Monday | 1. Data Lab |
Dylan Kupsh | Boelter 3286: Th: 11-1PM | | Friday | 2. Bomb Lab |
Di Wu | Boelter 3286: M1-3pm | | Wednesday | 3. Attack Lab |
Jake Ke | Boelter 3286: W10am-12pm | | Tuesday | 4. Performance Lab |
Alexander Pelletier | Boelter 3286: Tu12-2pm | | Thursday | 5. Thread Lab |
In this course our aim is to introduce the key concepts of computer systems. We will learn the basics of many topics, including computer architecture, computer organization, operating systems and concurrency. First we build from the bottom up with detailed explanations of number systems, how they are employed in the instruction set architecture. Then, using x86 as an example, we explain how programs are represented to the hardware, how to view and manipulate these abstractions (eg. procedure calls, stacks, interrupts, and traps) directly in assembly language, and how operating systems provide virtualization and process management. We finally demonstrate how this knowledge applies to improving system security and performance of a real system.
CS31 and CS32 are official prereqs. It is possible to take CS32 and CS33 together, but it will significantly increase the difficulty of the course.