Mini-project 1


The goal of the assignment is to get some experience working with data-parallel hardware and programming models, as well as the basic parallelization/locality aspects of deep neural network computations.

Due: April 28Rh, EOD

The recommended group size is 2 (pair programming can work well), but you can work in groups of 1-4. You’ll use Canvas’s groups feature to turn in your assignment into Canvas.

Getting Started:

You should have gotten an email for setting up an account on Please don’t use more than 50GB, or we will run out of space!

After setting up, you may want to look at some samples from NVIDIA; these can be setup by running:

git clone
cd cuda-samples
git checkout 2e41896e1b2c7e2699b7b7f6689c107900c233bb
make -j24

Also, make sure “/usr/local/cuda/bin” is in your PATH environment variable.

For a simple starting code, you can look at:

vim Samples/0_Simple/vectorAdd

You can run “deviceQuery” in the cuda samples under 1_Utilities to figure out various GPU parameters, which could help in terms of optimization or analysis of performance.



This is a good practice tutorial to start with, and it also has links to a number of other useful tutorials.

The official programming guide is useful for in-depth explanations of all the features.


Implement and evaluate a CUDA version of “Conv2D” convolution kernel (which is a 2D convolution + extended in the channel dimension) kernel) and “classifier” (i.e. a fully connected layer / matrix-vector multiply). Use these parameters from VGG:

Param Definitions:

You may try for either batch size = 1 or batch size = 16. My experience is that batch size 16 is easier to get high performance (better weight reuse), but harder to get competitive performance with CUDNN.

A possible starting point are the kernels the fp-diannao repo, which are simple CPU implementations based on the DianNao data-layouts (but with fp datatypes). You definitely don’t have to use this code!

You may do the following:

What to turn in:

  1. What was your basic parallelization strategy? Are there limitations in scaling this strategy, or consequences for throughput or latency?

  2. What is the execution time of each kernel? (and throughput if you use batching)

  3. What do you suspect is the limiting factor for performance of each kernel (compute,dram,scratchpad)? Where does the implementation fall on the roofline model for your particular GPU?

    For this, you can/should measure different bandwidths using nvprof. Eg:

     nvprof -m dram_read_throughput ./vectorAdd

    A good description of other b/w measurements is here:

  4. How does the implementation compare with CUDNN? (use same batch size in CUDNN)

    Probably the easiest way to do this without understanding CUDNN is to use DeepBench from Baidu

    You should be able to modify the “code/kernels/conv_problems.h” or “gemm_problems.h” for whatever parameters you are using for batch size. Then compile and run the tests in the “code/nvidia” folder. (all_reduce won’t compile, but this shouldn’t be a problem)

    I’ve gathered some results on the V100 machine for interesting kernel sizes, and the results are here. You may use these if you like.

  5. What optimizations did you find most useful/least useful?

  6. Turn in the cuda kernel as an attachment in the submission. Don’t zip everything together though, make sure source and PDF are turned in separately.