
Advanced Computer Architecture (CS251a)

Course Objectives

Computer architecture is the glue that binds the worlds of hardware and software. Developing new architectures is the art and science of understanding the intrinsic properties of applications, developing and interconnecting hardware components to meet cost and performance goals, and creating abstractions that enable efficient use of hardware without sacrificing generality.

Several important specific goals are:

Course Components:

Logistically, this course has 4 components.

Grade Breakdown

I will also award up to 5% extra credit points for students who are participating actively in class. This is the only reliable way to get an A+ in the class.

Required Texts

There is no required textbook. Required reading will include Synthesis Lectures as well as a set of published papers (available on campus network through ACM and IEEE libraries).

Optional Texts

The following are excellent textbooks for reference on related material. I highly recommend them if learning from textbooks meets your learning style better than papers/in-class discussion alone.